Zage Taiwan and is available in Zage Taiwan, Fueltank Garage in Hong Kong, Garage R in Singapore.
It is also readily available in most of the local reputable performance sports garage.
It seems many improvement have been made since the 1st zage kit was produced.
Remember large power require large responsibility to road user. Drive with care. We do not promote street racing. Wanna race ? Go to track/circuit.
You also need good handling, stopping power and good tuning to ensure it is safe and stable!
Good luck! Happy Chinese New Year.
This is the 2008 Zage Honda FD Turbo Kit.

This is the 2007 Zage Honda FD Turbo Kit.

Dose anyone knows how much this cost? And how can I order a kit like that for my Civic FD1?
me too... If anyone know where this can be done(better in penang), please email me @
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